
Guest Post: Camo Decor

I think we are all loving the fall fashion reports coming out this year.
One big trend I'm noticing: Camo.
Often, we see fashion sneak its way into decor...but camo? Could this possibly translate?
Head on over to my guest post at The Little Black Door to find out!
I'm filling in while Elizabeth is away on vacation with a little guide on how to get the military motif in your own home without it looking just plain weird.

Now go check it out! (Sir, Yes, Sir). A-ten-hut!



Green and Wicked

The day I've been waiting for is almost here at last. On Saturday, I'm going to be seeing the Broadway hit musical 'Wicked'. Tickets weren't cheap and sold out fast but my friend Melanie, Caitlin and I got our hands on some!

In honour of the Musical, which takes place in Oz, I'm sharing with you a favourite space with hits of the colour of the Emerald City:

All images via HGTV
This space was designed by Sarah Richardson and aired on season 2 of Sarah 101.
To say I'm green with envy is an understatement! Can you believe that green leopard print?

Just for a little fun, here is an old (2008) and embarrassing photo of Mel, Cait and I in our 42nd Street costumes, which we performed on the very same stage where the talented performers of Wicked will be performing on Saturday! I'm in the lighter blue, if you couldn't tell.


Wednesday's Sketchbook: In Case You Missed It

Hi Loves! Just in case you missed my doodle last Wednesday, which I posted over at the lovely Landi's blog Freckled Confessions, I decided to share it here today.
The bar cart is one of my latest design obsessions. You might remember my vintage brass bar cart that I picked up this summer flea market hunting. Check out my post on that HERE for some amazing decor inspiration. I just finished spray painting it beautiful gold today (as it was fairly tarnished) and can't wait to start styling it!
I drew up my little bar cart with my dream accessories. Some I already own, like the decor books and the vintage crystal decanter (another flea market score), some I'm simply lusting after.

Either way, I've put together this little guide of how to achieve the look in your own place:

1. The Perfect Champagne (seen on most of the inspiration bar carts) - Veuve Cliquot
2. Pretty and fresh green limes
3. Coffee Table Books: Domino and Design Sponge at Home
4. Fresh cut peonies in pink
5. Fun striped paper straws
6. Inkblot Print by The Aestate on Etsy
7. Navy Ikat Bowl
8. A pretty glass wine decanter

Create an interesting vignette by incorporating non-alcohol related products such as art.
If you can't find a bar cart at the flea market (or afford one new..they can be a bit pricey) You can use a tray to achieve the same vibe.

Happy Wednesday!


Considering Curtains

I need some curtains for my new rental. While I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for just yet, I thought I'd share with you the work of Samantha Pynn, who, in my opinion, is a master of drapery (among other things). I think her striped and banded looks would be extremely achievable via DIY and some off the rack curtains. Check it out:
all images via HGTV and Samantha Pynn
Lovely no? I can't decided which ones are my favourite. Oh and how good are those bubblegum pink chairs in the first image.


Foo Dog Regrets

Usually, I try to live my life with the motto 'No Regrets'.
Today, however, I can't help but feeling like a complete regretful foo....l!

You see, when I was in Florida the other week we went to a big antique and flea market and I found the most incredible, large scale, turquoise foo dog pair. They instantly reminded me of Jen's in this bookshelf styling:
via Made By Girl
 And Naomi's in her old loft:
via Design Manifest
Ahhhh! How good are they? I could cry.
Alright..back to my story.
I looked at the price tag and they were $60 for the pair. But the booth was having a take 20% off everything sale, bringing them down to $48. I love that flea markets have no tax and I bet I could have bargained them down a couple dollars more!

But, for some reason...I left them.
I think it was partially that I didn't know how much foo dogs were worth (which, by the way, turns out is alot more than 48 dollars...I should have known!)
and partially because I was trying to spend wisely and save while on vacation (and I really don't have a spot for these).

Either way...I REGRET my decision, big time. If Florida wasn't a 24 hour drive away I'd race back there right now! Instead, those foo dogs will haunt me for the rest of my life. Seriously..I may never get over this.

Have any of you ever left behind an item you wished you hadn't?


Favourite Furniture Fridays: GlamourMash

Hello and happy Friday to everyone! Holly Foxen Wells here from GlamourMash, a lifestyle blog about fashion, food and design. I am beyond thrilled to be posting on the lovely blog of the beautiful and talented Miss Tiffany Leigh.
Today, I wanted to share my tall dark wood bar cabinet from Z Gallerie with you that I am just in love with. No, I'm not a boozehound. But I do LOVE entertaining and what is a party without a great cocktail in hand and a space to gather round and enjoy each other's company? This bar has become the favorite piece of furniture in my home for a variety of reasons. 
I have decorated the bar with lots of fun straws, pretty liquor bottles and family heirloom barware. Seriously, my Aunt was going to sell the gorgeous swirly glass cocktail glasses at a garage sale... that is, until I saw them and saved them for myself! You can check out my post about Bar Essentials HERE.
I love collecting pretty alcohol bottles, like the Crystal Head Vodka shown below. The Kraken Rum and the St. Germain bottles are also gorgeous little pieces of art as well. 
Thanks Tiffany for letting me stop by and share a little piece of my home with you and your fans! Have a great weekend everyone! Until next time,

Holly! Thank you so much for sharing. I absolutely love those pretty pink straws, and we all know I'm a sucker for the skull trend lately. I love Holly's blog! Be sure to check it out!


Dream House Alphabet: I

I is for Island
When I think of 'I' words for my future home, many words come to mind: Inviting, Inspiring..oh and ISLAND.
I'm pretty sure its safe to say that I'm not the only one who wants an island in their dream kitchen.
Extra prep space, extra storage space, and a whole lot of extra beauty.

This is my dream kitchen island:
via Rue
Stop drooling long enough for me to explain why I love it:

1. Carrara Marble is a MUST. 
The kitchen cousins broke my heart one episode when they said carrera marble in the kitchen isn't practical due to how easily it stains but pshh, not going to let it stop me! If it waterfalls like this, even better.

2. It is all one level.
I'm not a huge fan of when the part where people sit is bumped up...it seems less crisp and modern to me.

3. There is no stove top.
I'm fairly clumsy and accident prone so I wouldn't want a stove top on there. Also, I want a big fat industrial range and oven so it just wouldn't work.

   What would your "I" be? Do you have any picky island preferences like me? xo


Wednesday's Sketchbook: A Commissioned Project & Guest Post

Well guys, it's about darn time I share with you my first ever commissioned art project.
I was so thrilled and delighted when Landi of Freckled Confessions contacted me to do a custom doodle of her beautiful self for her new blog design.
After all, she'd never seen me draw a person before (and to be honest, I hadn't drawn a person in a very long time).
But I got straight to work and this is the version we decided on:

Want to see the real Landi for comparison? Well here you are:
Such a gorgeous and amazing girl! So happy to have met and connected with her through blogging.
Now a couple pics of the process and the evolution of the artwork:
Did I mention this was also my first time working with watercolours? 
Here are the three drafts all lined up for comparative purposes.
After Landi styled it for her 'About Me' page this is the final product:
 I love the look! I'm so happy and proud of the way it turned out!
If any of you have a custom doodle in mind, please don't be afraid to contact me!
Today, you can find me Guest Posting over at Freckled Confessions for Landi with a watercolor of a bar cart (one of my current obsessions). I hope you will all check it out HERE and show her some love!


Some Thank Yous

Today is a day of gratefulness.
I've been blogging since December, have learned so much, and made so many friends. It's important to me to never lose sight of the fact that every follower is not just a number, but a person who thinks that what I'm saying is worth reading. I am so humbled by that thought.
First I'd like to thank Landi and Charmaine, for believing in my artistic abilities enough to spend a little bit of their hard earned money on my work. You are both an inspiration.

Next I'd like to thank the following bloggers, all of whom have nominated me for the Liebster Award in the past week, a true honour:

Next, Thank you to Jessica for organizing an amazing giveaway by Suzanne and Lauren McGrath of their book "Good Bones, Great Pieces" which I had the good fortune to win!

Can you believe I came home to all that goodness? How did I get so lucky?
Thank You God for the blessings You give me each day.
Thank you to my family, for a wonderful vacation..

And lastly, thank you to YOU, whoever is reading this, each and everyone of you.
You are the thing that keeps me going at the end of a hard day, when it seems like my end goals are miles away.
Love always,


Leopard Loafers Finally

I'm back everyone! I had an amazing trip but it's always good to be home.
I'll admit that I let others on the trip cover pictures while I took a break...so I don't have much of that to share at the moment, but hope to soon!

So let's change the subject to an amazing purchase I made in Florida.
Lately I have been slightly unhealthily obsessed with Leopard Loafers.
They are just too good, and I've been on the hunt for a pair.
Well, well, well, thank you USA for Target, and thank you Target for my new leopard loafers which I scored for less than 20 bucks.
Get yours HERE

Gosh, it really is good to get back to blogging. I missed you all!


Be Right Back

via Inslee
Oh Hello there Darling! 
No I'm not ignoring you, don't be so silly.
I'm simply enjoying some time reading on the beach in Florida.
I'll see you on Monday, August 20th to catch up.
Thank you for stopping by! Miss you already.
