
A BIG Thank You

You guys might notice that this morning, my blog looks COMPLETELY different.
This new design is definitely simpler, cleaner, and much more me.
I owe a huge thank you to an amazing creative talent and personal friend, Lynne, for working with me to design a header and my 'about me' page. She really helped put my vision into reality.
Here's some photos of the two of us back in highschool:
^^ We were both in a large scale musical production of 42nd Street in our hometown. She's an awesome dancer.

^^ Lynne and I graduating from high school together. I was wearing heels which is why I look so much taller.

Thank you for helping me out with my blog Lynne! And for always being there when I need ya.
Tiffany Leigh
ps. Do you guys like the new look?


  1. Loving your new look! Very clean and easy to navigate. Always fun to get a little makeover :)

  2. looks great... love the new look!

  3. Thanks for the shout out Tiff! Glad you're suffering through those high school memories by my side :)

    I think it looks great!


  4. Heyy Gorgeous, cute blog :)

    New to blogger so if you follow me ill follow you back :P


    Much Love


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a sweet comment! It makes my day. xo