
Anyone Ever Eaten One?

I'm back from my trip to Halifax! Loved the Maritimes as always. Unfortunately, a couple of my meetings fell through, but I'm staying on the positive side because this meant more time with the boyfriend. I also started a second job today, serving at a local sports bar! Between these two jobs and school, I'm a busy bee, but I'll always find time for blogging.
One of the best restaurants that I ate at was the Five Fishermen. This place has a really cool history, and is rumoured to be haunted! The building was once a mortuary where many bodies off the Titanic were kept! While I didn't see any ghosts, this little (big)guy definitely creeped me out when he showed up on my plate! Sure I ordered lobster but in Ontario, it never comes in full form like this! After getting over my fears of touching it and alot of hard work, I was so satisfied. Yummy and fresh. Have any of you ever eaten a whole lobster like this?
xox Tiffany Leigh


  1. That looks incredible! I've never eaten a whole lobster, it's one of those things I want to do "some day". It reminds me of that scene from Annie Hall...

  2. drooling, I didn't but it's on my nom nom list:)
    good luck with everything!

  3. oh wow. I don't know if I could handle that, that's like European style - eyes and everything...You're braver than I am!

  4. Whole lobster is probably my favorite food in the whole world! Yum now I totally want one.


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