
This Blogger's Bed

Confession... I'm nosey. I like to see where people live because I think that it can say a lot about a person. I want to be an interior designer to help people express themselves through their homes. 
So today, I'm giving you all a chance to be nosey with me! Here's a little peak of my bedroom, or more specifically, this blogger's bed. It's where I do all of my blogging and unwinding. Snoop away!
^ I got this bench for $4 at Goodwill. I'm planning a major DIY for it when the weather gets warm. But for now I just use it to display my heels.
^My bedside table vignette.
So there you have it! What do you think?
I'm curious to know, where do YOU blog? (Told you I'm nosey).
Tiffany Leigh


  1. I'm blogging curled up from my sofa, you nosey person! LOL!

  2. I blog in my husband's office or also curled up from my sofa! I see you got Sarah's art(?). Pretty!

  3. It's beautiful! I'm nosey too- I love seeing other people's homes! I see you're a shoe girl like me. I love how you keep yours displayed. I love that art on your nightstand. Best of luck in design school! How exciting; I want to go too, but have to wait till the kiddos are a little older. So glad you found my blog so that I could find yours- I'm a happy new follower! :)

  4. I've got to admit to being very nosey too... I'm quite shameless about it! Your bedroom is lovely, I just adore your bedding! Currently, I blog from the living room sofa (laptop on the lap scenario) which is not ideal as I often get distracted by the tv!

  5. Love that pink zebra bag under your glasses! I also blog from a laptop on the living room sofa, distracted by the TV! :)

  6. Oh my goodness, I love seeing into other peoples bedrooms too. Your room is very pretty.


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