
Gold Hardware

There is just something so warm about gold. I think that's why gold has made such a big come back this past year or so. And what space needs more warming up than a kitchen?
I'm currently crushing on gold hardware in the kitchen, especially when mixed with stainless steel appliances. Mixing metallics has been frowned upon in the past, but today is totally accepted and encouraged!
via Bijou and Boheme
Sarah Richardson via HGTV
via House & Home
 Would you try gold hardware in your own kitchen?


  1. Oh that last kitchen picture - I need that in my life so hard.


  2. I love some gold hardware! Those gold faucets are gorgeous!

  3. I love gold hardware probably too much. I think when I finally live in a place I own you can expect a sea of gold ;).

  4. I have totally been on the fence about this. Hence the reason my poor kitchen is still knobless! I so badly want to do gold, but now with my new appliances I feel like I should complement them and all thier glory. I thought I had made up my mind but now you have me confused!

  5. Love it!
    I have it all....as you know, each piece of hardware in our kitchen is different! Quite unique and a great conversation opener! Did it because I could get them all free!!! The kitchen cabinet shop wanted to "clean out" his inventory of hardware leftovers!!!

  6. I've been thinking about changing out my cabinet pulls to gold - love the way it looks against white cabinets!


  7. never realized how good gold accents could look! i'm so used to the darker metals shining through these days :)

  8. I have to say, I am not a huge gold fan. I remember seeing it everywhere growing up in the 80's and early 90's. That being said; some spaces still pull it off pretty good, like the picture with the bridge faucet. Antique brass is probably as close as I could get, but still prefer polished or brushed nickel. Hope your week is going well! -Tonya

  9. you can never go wrong with gold anything :)

  10. ooh i'm so glad that mixing metals is "okay" now - i just love not having to worry about all my jewelry and accessories matching. i'm loving gold now too and that first kitchen is my fave!!
    -- jackiejade.blogspot.com

  11. Wow and WOW! The gold faucet alone sold me on using gold hardware in the kitchen! How absolutely stunning!

    Holly Foxen Wells
    Be Sure to Check out The Aestate Giveaway Happening on GlamourMash Now!

  12. ADORE Christine's kitchen and always love Sarah Richardson! I'm so on the gold bandwagon...I'd take some gold hardware for my kitchen in a second!

  13. I adore all the kitchen brass of late! I'm freshening up my kitchen and was just contemplating mixing brass cabinet hardware with my stainless appliances. I just replaced my faucet (not brass) and I'm wondering how it would look mixed with the brass handles too??

  14. without a doubt!! and planning on it!! I love all these kitchens.


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