
Tagged: Five Things

The beautiful and talented Nadia of Preciously Me tagged me in this 'five things' post I'm sure you've seen going around. I have to admit that this is kind of a tough post for me to write. As you may or may not have noticed (I try to distract you with all the gorgeous design things!), I don't really use the blog as a way to share much about myself personally. I know I'm not the only blogger out there who struggles with how much to share, but I also love reading about other bloggers' personal biz now and again...so here goes!

1. I have never dyed or colored my hair.
I love my naturally blonde hair, and it saves me so much money. Occassionally, however, I think about going ombre like this:
2. Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my youth.
Okay not exactly 'wasting' but.... I have always been a hard worker. I worked and paid my way through my first degree, debt free, and earned the gold medal in English for being top in my graduating class. Now, I've moved to a new city where I don't know very many people, and again I spend all my time focused on school and work (and blogging). These are the things that I both love and consider vital to my success, and I'm willing to sacrifice my weekends for my goals. But sometimes I get the feeling that I should use my youth to throw caution to the wind and go on a spontaneous vacation, or take the night off and go drinking with friends. I think balance is key, and I'm still working on finding that.

3. I love chips and chocolate...together.
You might have already known that I love chips if you caught my 'Favourite Things' post over on Mimosa Lane, which featured this picture of me cradling a big bag of regular Lays like it's my child:
If you didn't see it and want to know even more about little ol' me, check it out here.
BUT what you don't know is that every time I eat these salty chips I need a little sweet chocolate on the side. Usually I'll eat them in combo with chocolate pudding or a Hershey Bar.
You may be thinking 'gross' but clearly PC gets what I'm talking about:
4. Before blogging I almost never wore jewelry. 
I really preferred a plainer look, and even now some days I still do. But it's hard not to find yourself drawn to beautiful statement necklaces and arm parties when you see all these fashionistas on Pinterest and Blogger. Now I really enjoy throwing in some accessories to mix it up! Here is a peak at some of my current jewels:

5.My biggest insecurity is my dark circles.
Chalk it up to being pasty and having iron deficiency anemia, but I have always had dark circles under my eyes. I remember a couple of times throughout my childhood when other kids would ask me how I got two black eyes. It still haunts me. For the most part I am really confident in my natural appearance, and feel comfortable going out with almost no make up on...but I ALWAYS have to put a little concealer under my eyes. I have found over the years that keeping on top of my iron supplements and  applying coconut oil under my eyes twice a day helps so much. If y'all don't use coconut oil...you are seriously missing out. Google it peeps.
I'm still hunting for the perfect concealer. I'd love to try Clé de Peau Beauté concealer but I can't justify the price right now.

 I hope you guys enjoyed a personal post thrown in the mix for a change.
Now I'm passing on this fun tag to a few more lovely ladies! Hannah, Holly, Kristen and  Natalie, tell us five things we might not know about you!


  1. What a fun post! You are so lucky to have natural blonde hair! I share your love for salty and sweet snacks. Killer combo ;)

  2. Love it all! I am right with you with the feeling of your youth being wasted! I've always been more concerned with focusing on my education and career than going to parties and the like. I still need to find a balance as well.

  3. Your perfect! I love chips and chocolate, too. Stop and take time to enjoy more of your youth. Every age can be great, but I wish I played more and worked less when I was your age. As for the dark circles, you found a fix for that one.

  4. It was a pleasure for me to tag you and I'm so happy to know you better Tiffany!!!
    It's important to work hard to reach your goal, especially when you want to go toward something you love, but don't forget to live, to take time to enjoy life ...
    Anyway, you should be proud of yourself, you're a natural girl who works hard and has a really great blog!!!
    And your blonde hair are perfect, so don't change :)

  5. It is fun to hear the more personal stuff :)

    And I really like the coconut oil tip. Concealer is my undereye's best friend too. I could totally relate to what you wrote.

  6. Ohh I'll have to check out coconut oil. Thanks for the tip! Love your apartment! It's so cute.

  7. I loved this post! It was so cool getting to know a little bit more about you. I totally understand the dark circle thing - for me it's just hereditary! I am definitely going to try out your coconut oil suggestion though, I've never heard about it before!

    PS. Last weekend I totally bought the Ikea console/bookcase because I just loved how you styled yours! Now it's sitting in my living room and makes me so happy!

  8. Thanks for letting us all get to know you a little better.
    I was "tagged" last September by Beth Barden who is at designPOST
    It was fun!

  9. I'm a hair virgin as well! I almost went ombre for the first time but then I got to thinking, I'm eventually going to need to dye my hair. I might as well enjoy not having that beauty expense! Thanks for tagging me :) I'll post later this week.

  10. Loved reading this! I swear by coconut oil as well, seriously the best. Thanks for the tag, I'll be brainstorming about my five things!

  11. Chips + chocolate = pure bliss! I can't resist the salty and sweet either.

    Balance is a tricky one at any age. No doubt all of your hard work will pay off in spades. But I always say- make yourself take a break and get out and have a cocktail. It's amazing how a good break can leave you feeling really motivated when you return to all that hard work.

    Enjoyed learning more about you!

  12. I LOVED reading this, Tiffany! I love the chocolate potato chip thing! It's ok, I dip my chips in ketchup and everyone thinks it's strange:) I think it's novel that your focus is on school, work and blogging! When you have so much on your plate, it's hard to take time for other things! When I went to grad school, I finished the 2 year program in 1 year and it left absolutely NO time for a social life. I still remember sitting in my dining room writing my thesis at 2am and hearing a bunch of people walking home from the bars laughing and yelling. I remember thinking ugh I want to be out there having fun! But the sacrifice paid off just like it has been paying off for you! Keep it up!

    Holly Foxen Wells

  13. Such a great post!
    I identify with so many of these points, specially the no jewelry one :D

    PS: I'm your newest follower :)


  14. Love your necklace collection!



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