

I'm so honoured to have discovered that Landi from The Lifestyle Guide has awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award. I started my blog a few months ago to document my journey in interior design, and it is such a delight to know that others appreciate what I'm putting out there. Thanks so much to Landi and all of my followers for making the blogging process so amazing!
The Liebster is an award given to up and coming blogs, having less than 200 followers. The word "Liebster" is of german origin, meaning "Beloved, Dearest, or Favorite". 

Now it's my turn to pass this award on to five lovely blogs! It was tricky to narrow it down, believe me. I wish I could give it to everyone I follow, for you are all beloved to me.
 1) ^ Nicole is so sweet and runs a fabulous blog about great date ideas, style, design and other goodness.
2)^ Charmaine has some serious great taste in design, just wait until you see her current renovations! Also, she knows how to hunt down some great finds on Craigslist.  
 3) ^ Holly is such a genuinely nice person, and her blog is dedicated to her multi-layered love of fashion, design and food.

4) ^ Laura Dro is a talented artist, and her blog is chalked full of amazing giveaways! I even won a beautiful print of hers that I'll be showing off soon!
  5) ^ Laura is an interior designer and her blog is loaded with inspirational design images!

Congratulations ladies! Pass along the love :)
Tiffany Leigh


  1. Aww, you are so sweet! Thanks Tiffany Leigh!

  2. Thanks SO much for the love Miss Tiffany! Have a lovely weekend and looking forward to passing it along!

  3. WOW! Thanks so much Tiffany! I feel so honored! I am very excited to pass this along to other deserving bloggers!


    Laura Dro

  4. Thank you SO very much, Tiffany!!! I am very honored to get this award from someone that I love following so much! Being a very young blogger, your blog has quickly become a great inspiration to me!!! I check in every day to see whats new! Have an amazing weekend, doll!!! Thanks again!!



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a sweet comment! It makes my day. xo