
In One Week...

In one week, a lot will be changing in my life. For starters, I will have an undergrad degree in English under my belt. That feels amazing. Also amazing? I will no longer be in a long distance relationship.

My wonderful boyfriend goes to school in Halifax, almost 2000 km away. To drive to see him, it would take 19 hours. It's far. But on Wednesday, he comes home...For good.

I can't even begin to express how happy I am. I have not seen him in seven weeks. Sometimes its lonely, sometimes its hard, but it is always worth it. Long distance has taught me so much about communication and appreciation, but after almost two years of this, I'm so excited and ready to have him home. 

When I move to Toronto in the fall for interior design school, we will have a small amount of distance between us again, but nothing like what we've been doing.
I know it's not an interior design post, and I know I'm supposed to be studying, but this news is too great not to share.
xox Tiffany Leigh


  1. You're beautiful, as is your story! It's so wonderful that you guys have stuck together through all of that! It is so nice to hear a proper love story nowadays.

    I love your blog so much! You are so sweet and genuine. Keep it up! If you have time, would you visit my blog? It would make my day!

    Good luck with everything; you are going to go far.

    Lots of love xxx


  2. So happy for you Tifanny! :)

  3. Such exciting news! Congrats!!!

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  4. Hey girl! I've awarded you the Liebster Blog Award! Congrats - see details here http://bit.ly/HCLs3H


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a sweet comment! It makes my day. xo