
Blogpodium Recap Part 1 of 2: Overview of the Day

On Sunday I attended Blogpodium with about 250 other amazing bloggers. 
You guys, I had the BEST time. If you were there, then you are probably as inspired as I am by all the talent, creativity and advice that we were surrounded by all day. The blogging community is just as amazing and supportive in person as it is online - and that is something to smile about. If you weren't there, you best be coming next year - but in the meantime I will catch you up:
I will admit I was a bad blogger while I was there...I took about zero photos. I'm going to chalk it up to being in the moment and being busy socializing! Luckily the always amazing Anna with Love captured the day better than I ever could:
 ^ The decorations provided by minted were absolutely perfect! I loved all the pretty details.
^Sarah Richardson's keynote speech was one of the highlights of the day for me. She spoke about her struggles to get to where she is today, about her family, her style, her business. She was totally open.
^Getting ready to learn from fabulous Steph Sterjovski with some old and some new friends! Elyse, that hair flip is pretty unreal.
^ So proud of my girl Steph!  Her presentation was invaluable. Such a genuine heart!
^ Amazing food all day long keeps this blogger very happy
 ^A seminar on "How to grow your blog using Social Media"...I have to say Meredith Heron is exactly as I imagined her to be...hilarious, honest, and amazing. I got to spend some time with her throughout the evening and learned so much from this inspirational woman!
 ^Cute ribbon wall to display all of our business cards!
^"This is my goodside" - evening photobooth backdrop...You will see it in action tomorrow.

And in case you are wondering what I wore, this is the only picture I have of my outfit. Luckily it's a cute one and features me with my newest bloggy friend, Lynsey of Frou Frou and Frills!
 A red/orange pencil skirt, basic grey tee, some bling bling and a little leopard belt. With some gorgeous studded flats that have left me blistered and defeated.
Come back tomorrow for some of the most useful things that I learned and some photobooth fun (way too much photobooth fun).
How was your weekend?
**All photos except the last one courtesy of Anna with Love Photography.
Too see the rest of the photos from Blogpodium, click here.



  1. What fun! I want to hear all about the deets! You look darling.
    xo Nancy

  2. I totally wish I could have gone. Definitely looks like it was an all around good time! And Sarah Richardson...ahhhh! Would love to go next year. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Meredith and Sarah on the same day - good god I'm so jealous! I'm so glad you had such a great time!!

  4. This looks like too much fun! I can't wait to go to one someday!

    xo showeredwithdesign.blogspot.com

  5. I'm so jealous!! And I love Minted's site...the tissue fans are perfect for Harper's upcoming birthday!

  6. Looks like a great time and as usual you look amazing.

  7. It was such a fabulous day- sad we didn't meet:( Next time!!

  8. Looks like you had fun! Hopefully i'll make it to one of those events sometime soon!

  9. It was so nice to meet you, Tiffany! You are such a sweetheart and I can't remember if I told you or not, but I LOVED your outfit!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a sweet comment! It makes my day. xo