
Blogpodium Recap Part 2 of 2: Photobooth Fun and What I learned

Ah guys I am swamped this week! It's finals week which means no sleep and a whole pile of work. But, I promised to share part two of Blogpodium today and I am a girl of my word.

First, some hilarity to make you giggle this morning:
Obviously I was pretty enamored with this photobooth, I did it six times. Mostly I couldn't get enough of laughing and goofing off with all of these lovely ladies I had been DYING to meet. Do you spot anyone you know?

Secondly, I wanted to share the key piece of info I got from each seminar that I attended. I learned so much from each speaker, it was hard to narrow it down!
 Wise words from some seriously successful and inpirational people.
And now I am signing off to kick some design school butt!
Wish me luck loves!



  1. Love the photo booth pictures, too funny! Sounds like you took away some great points from the speakers, I love that last one! When I started my blog I didn't tell ANYONE about it, but telling people about it has opened up so many doors and opportunities. Great recap, Tiffany!

  2. Omg those photobooth pictures. Hilarious. You can bet I'd be all up in that photobooth too.

    Love all the quotes from the speakers! Very helpful and good advice!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  3. Good luck, you will do great with your finals. The speakers are so impressive.

  4. You really do love the Photobooth! They are fun especially after that yummy cocktail - it's my new fave drink! So great to meet you!

  5. Love it! So happy we could pop into that photobooth together, you rocked that thing!!

  6. Thanks for all of the useful tips...it looks like you all had so much fun! Love the photobooth!

  7. This blogpodium sounds amazing. What a great learning and networking opportunity! Thanks for all these tips! They always help.

  8. Your style is so exclusive compared to other individuals. Thank you for posting when you have the chance, guess I would just make this bookmarked. housekeeping


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