

My Ceramic Parrot

Remember this post, when I was obsessing over Christine Dovey's ceramic parrot?
Well this summer I got one of my very own from a vendor at the Aberfoyle Antique Market. All my best flea market finds come from this place I swear, I love it.
lips print via the aestate
Nothing I love more than a glamorous vignette!
Hope you are all having a lovely start to your week. xoxo


Beth of designPOST Interiors said...[Reply]

He fits right in with Tink :)

Linda {Calling it Home} said...[Reply]

Great colors! The best kind of pet.

Kristen said...[Reply]

Love it! So cute, I need a blue one!

Unknown said...[Reply]

That's so cute. Love the pink!

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...[Reply]

He looks perfect with the lips. :)

Julia@Cuckoo4Design said...[Reply]

Love the parrot, now I think I need one too LOL

Unknown said...[Reply]

Ah thanks for the sweet mention- love your Mr P- he's fabulous:)))

Excited to meet you today!

Anonymous said...[Reply]

absolutely love it! great job.
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