I'm bringing back Watercolor Wednesdays for two reasons:
1. To bring you guys original content
2. To keep my sanity
There's something so therapeutic about painting and lately I haven't been making the time in my busy schedule to sit down and relax. Now is the time. Ahh, the art of imitation. You know that movie, Julie and Julia? Where Julie tries to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook and then blogs about it? Yeah well this week I'm pulling a Julie and Julia as I attempted to practice my work by reproducing some paintings by Virginia Johnson in one of my favourite coffee table books, 'The Perfectly Imperfect Home':
^ Left: Virginia Johnson / Right: Tiffany Leigh
^ Top: Virginia Johnson / Bottom: Tiffany Leigh
^ Top: Virgina Johnson / Bottom: Tiffany Leigh
The reality is I'm nowhere as dedicated as little miss Julie, and won't be painting my way through the whole book, but this was a fun experiment to get back in the swing of things.
From now on, each Wednesday, I am going to paint my interpretation of a photo of a room!
Can't wait to share with y'all. Also, these are the first photos from my new camera. Even though I have no clue what I'm doing, it really does take beautiful shots!

1. To bring you guys original content
2. To keep my sanity
There's something so therapeutic about painting and lately I haven't been making the time in my busy schedule to sit down and relax. Now is the time. Ahh, the art of imitation. You know that movie, Julie and Julia? Where Julie tries to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook and then blogs about it? Yeah well this week I'm pulling a Julie and Julia as I attempted to practice my work by reproducing some paintings by Virginia Johnson in one of my favourite coffee table books, 'The Perfectly Imperfect Home':
^ Left: Virginia Johnson / Right: Tiffany Leigh
^ Top: Virginia Johnson / Bottom: Tiffany Leigh
^ Top: Virgina Johnson / Bottom: Tiffany Leigh
The reality is I'm nowhere as dedicated as little miss Julie, and won't be painting my way through the whole book, but this was a fun experiment to get back in the swing of things.
From now on, each Wednesday, I am going to paint my interpretation of a photo of a room!
Can't wait to share with y'all. Also, these are the first photos from my new camera. Even though I have no clue what I'm doing, it really does take beautiful shots!
Nope, don't know that movie. As a Julia I have been copying some painting myself this week ;)
You did a fantastic job!
Very beautiful Tiffany! Excited about watercolor Wednesdays coming back :)
You need to see that stuff girlfriend! You've got mad skills!
Wow, beautiful paintings (copied or otherwise)! You're very talented.
Julia and Julia is one of my favorites! You're so talented Tiffany! The photos are lovely! xo, Erica
BEAUTIFUL. It is so important to be able to take some time to yourself to unwind. I've been terrible about lately.
What a great idea! I have to admit... your versions are better! Like, way better!
Holly Foxen Wells
Great paintings Tiffany! Can't wait to see more of your work!
Looks like someone might need to open an etsy shop and sell custom watercolors ;)
What a great idea! Love your work! It's great you will have success and the opportunity to do what you love!
You are ridiculously talented girlfriend!! I am feeling like I need a Tiffany Leigh original!
They look great! Maybe you should sell a few yourself. -Tonya
These are beautiful, I would love to learn to use watercolors. I would love to see your process.
These are so good! Really looking forward to Watercolor Wednesday! :)
Great idea! Lovely paintings - keep it up! A few years ago, when my kids were younger and I had NO time for myself, an art teacher at one of my kid's schools suggested I find a way to create or draw each day, until I had more time to devote to my art. I ended up with the recession that took most of my 'real' work away, and now that my kids are older and one is already out of the home, I have been able to paint. Not that you needed my life story.
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