

Exams = Messy Desk

Exam time always means a messy desk. It usually is much more glamorous than this, but I posted these images in the hopes that you all will bear with the lack of posts for the next week. I'm in finals. My final week of finals of my final year of University. CRAZY. Almost graduated. I'll try to make some time for blogging though!
Tiffany Leigh


Taylor {CoverGirl + Converse} said...[Reply]

Good luck! You desk doesn't look half as messy as mine does when exams roll around...I'll miss your posts!
Check out my newest post on CoverGirl and Converse if you have the time!
Taylor {CoverGirl and Converse}

Brooke @ Inside-Out Design said...[Reply]

Even messy your desk area still looks fab- I love the Audrey Hepburn prints! Good luck with finals!! Fingers crossed for you!

Colleen {Two Delighted} said...[Reply]

Oh honey please that doesn't even come close to messy, it actually looks quite fab. You should see my desk RIGHT now. And I'm an engineer so there aren't even pretty things!! Thank you so so much for your sweet comment on our tablescape! Made our day :).