This term we are finally learning to use Google Sketch-Up! I am so in love, even though I'm just a newbie. I would describe it as Sims for adults. Let's be real - even as a child all I ever did on Sims was build and decorate the houses. Anyone else? Basically this has been consuming all of my time this week so I thought I would share my progress with you guys. This term my studio project is retail design, and I'm designing a clothing retail shop including designing all of the branding. I called my line 'Mint' and am bringing it together in 3D! Here are some 'work in progress' shots:
My favourite touch has got to be the mint candy wallpaper that I custom designed for the store.
The 'i' on my logo is dotted with the same candy. So presh!
Do any of you use Google Sketch-Up?
Speaking of mint...don't forget to enter the $50 Minted Giveaway that I have going on right now!

My favourite touch has got to be the mint candy wallpaper that I custom designed for the store.
The 'i' on my logo is dotted with the same candy. So presh!
Do any of you use Google Sketch-Up?
Speaking of mint...don't forget to enter the $50 Minted Giveaway that I have going on right now!
How fun is that?! So cool.
Great project. Enjoy! Love MINT!
I have downloaded but haven't even begun to play. I adore your little shop. You're a talented lady, Tiffany!
You're so good at it! I've tried it but am terrible. Love what you've created!
So awesome! I was totes obsessed with the Sims. My sister would always know the cheats so I could have infinite money to decorate my house.
Oh Google Sketch-Up ... that brings back college memories! Only from 2 years ago though. I spent so much time on it. It was great, but at times, it was very frustrating. Like when you think you're drawing a line on the red parallel, and then you zoom out and it's gone way off in the distance. Yeah. Not fun then ;)
Best of luck!
xx A
Looks so great! Isn't it hard to learn at first?! Once you get it, though, it's amazing! I like to built walls in sketch up and render in photoshop, actually. What about you?
Side note: The Sims. I was beyond obsessed and yes, all I'd do was build the houses (using the cheat codes to get more money!) I'd play for hours on end everyday in the summers when I was in high school. I was so glued to it, my computer would be buzzing and overheating. My mom would have to come in my room and remind me "Michaela, it's need to eat dinner." I had problems. At least I know?! ;)
So envious of the things you're learning sweetie! I'm better learning in a class situation than on my own( same with exercise!) my son uses Sketch Up and it is amazing! Great job and have fun.
Xo Nancy
Your sims comment made me laugh out loud! I was addicted and would get so mad at my brothers for making unattractive home that I thought ruined the look of the neighbourhood! Your work looks great :)
I feel so stupid because I have never even heard of Google Sketch-Up. Looks like fun though!
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