So... my boyfriend is kind of obsessed with maps. No joke, his favourite website is Google Maps. I simultaneously find his endless knowledge about the geographical world both attractive and irritating. I say irritating because he and I frequently have Jeopardy showdowns and he always gets the geography questions right and ends up winning. I may not know much about geography, countries, states, capital cities, etc... BUT one thing I do know is that maps make for some fabulous design. So this one's for the man in my life, because I know if we ever get a place together it will mean including maps in our decor.
Set one: Vintage Maps
^ This one reminds me of a school house for some reason, but I think the saturation of the colours in the map is gorgeous.
Check out THIS Etsy dealer to purchase your own vintage maps!
Set 2: IKEA map
This map has a more subtle, muted colour pallet than most of the vintage maps. It's been used by the young upcoming designer Sam Allen, as seen below:
Works so well with these neutral colours and natural materials.
More Map Fun:
^ Try cutting up a large black and white map and framing each piece!![]() |
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^^ Designer Kate Hayes uses a map and a globe together in her personal home
^ It's a bit late for holiday decor, but aren't these globe snowmen created by interior designer Emily Henderson adorable? She does a how-to on her blog
Lastly, and this is probably my FAVOURITE idea of the bunch (although they are all lovable), is this adorable little art project, easy enough for any DIY-er:
Since I live in Ontario, and my guy goes to School in Nova Scotia, I'd love to cut out and frame each province like this. Perfect for any long distance relationship like ours :)
Okay, so now I want to pack up and travel. Luckily I just booked a flight out east for reading week!
Do you like this trend?
Love always,
Tiffany Leigh
I love map art! I love the idea of the last image, cut out in heart shapes! How sweet! Thanks so much for following my blog! Happy to find yours and follow along too.
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