

Design that Stands the Test of Time

 Trends are inescapable. As a social media driven society, we have consistent exposure to these fads that are pretty, fun, popular, and well received. But for me, really good design is about incorporating those trends in a timeless way... in a way that won't need to be revisited or redecorated in a few months, or even a few years.

When I was browsing the current fall decorating issue of Style at Home Magazine, I was stopped in my tracks by this home:
So beautiful, and SO current. The zebra print, the lucite and butterfly artwork, the grasscloth wall coverings, the use of the color coral, the chippendale chairs, the polka dotted seat cushions - All of it embodies the major design trends of today.

And yet, when I read the article, I couldn't believe that this room was designed 30 years ago and has been unaltered since. That is the talent of the late and iconic designer Ray Staples, who decorated this room in the eighties.

The timeless beauty of this space and the careful and imaginative forethought and talent of Staples has left me truly awe inspired.  Her legacy lives on through her works that withstand the test of time.


Julia Ryan said...[Reply]

I think the part that made me gasp was that the 80's were thirty years ago :)

Our French Inspired Home said...[Reply]

Dito Julia. I think any time you include traditional elements, no matter what materials are used, you get a timeless room. These look great. - Tonya

Kim@Chattafabulous said...[Reply]

Love this post. I collect vintage decorating books from the 60's and 70's and you are so right! Great design is timeless and will look great for decades.

Patty Day @Pattys Epiphanies said...[Reply]

Ray's work shows true talent! These elements were there in the 80's ...I had some! But the way they marinated in this space is timeless! I bet they look as good 30 years from now!

Kristen said...[Reply]

NO way! Never would have guessed! Good design def stands the test of time.

jackie jade said...[Reply]

Wow that is amazing that this was designed in the 80s and looks so so now. As a child of the 80s, I wish my house looked like that!

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...[Reply]

That's a wonderful space.